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Rocket Jump

Power Type.

An active power that launches the player through the air while leaving an explosion at their crosshair location.

Type ID: apugli:rocket_jump


Field Type Default Description
cooldown Integer 1 The number of ticks the player has to wait between uses of this power.
distance Float optional Determines the maximum length of the raycast. Defaults to the entity's reach if not present.
hud_render Hud Render Specifies how and if a cooldown bar is rendered.
damage_type Identifier If set, this is the damage type that will be used to deal damage to the entity upon using this ability.
source Damage Source DEPRECATED Use damage_type instead. More information here.
amount Float optional How much damage will be dealt upon using this ability.
velocity Float 1.0 The velocity applied to the player in the opposite direction they are facing when using this power.
horizontal_velocity Float optional The velocity applied to the player in the opposite direction they are facing on horizontal axes when using this power. If not set, this will be set to the value of the velocity float field.
vertical_velocity Float optional The velocity applied to the player in the opposite direction on the vertical axis they are facing when using this power. If not set, this will be set to the value of the velocity float field.
velocity_clamp_multiplier Float 1.8 The amount to multiply by the current base amount to clamp the velocity gained from this power to.
use_charged Boolean false Determines if the power should use a status effect inside the tag apugli:charged_effects to increase the velocity of the jump and explosion radius of this power.
charged_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If set, this modifier will apply to the velocity of the rocket jump when the entity is charged (See use_charged field description for charged criteria).
charged_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the velocity of the rocket jump when the entity is charged (See use_charged field description for charged criteria).
water_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If set, this modifier will apply to the velocity of the rocket jump when the entity is touching water.
water_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the velocity of the rocket jump when the entity is touching water.
damage_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If set, this modifier will apply to the damage of the explosion caused by the rocket jump.
damage_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the damage of the explosion caused by the rocket jump.
targetable_bientity_condition Bi-entity Condition optional If set, a bi-entity condition to check for with the power holder as the actor and the target as the target for the rocket jump to successfully land.
damage_bientity_condition Bi-entity Condition optional If set, a bi-entity condition that will be applied to any entities damaged by the rocket jump with the power holder as the actor and the target as the target.
key Key Which active key this power should respond to.


    "type": "apugli:rocket_jump",
    "cooldown": 5,
    "hud_render": {
        "should_render": true,
        "sprite_location": "toomanyorigins:textures/gui/tmo_resource_bar.png",
        "bar_index": 2
    "source": {
        "name": "overheat",
        "bypasses_armor": "true",
        "fire": "true",
        "unblockable": "true"
    "charged_modifier": {
        "operation": "multiply_base",
        "value": 0.5
    "key": {
        "key": "key.use",
        "continuous": false
    "amount": 2.0,
    "should_use_charged": true,
    "velocity": 1.0
This power allows a player to launch themself through the air by pressing the use key while taking 1 heart of armor bypassing, unblockable fire damage named overheat. This ability considers the Charged status effect from TooManyOrigins and CursedOrigins and will modify the speed of the velocity application by 1.5x the regular amount.