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Modify Scale

Power Type.

Modifies the entity's Pehkui scale(s).

Type ID: apugli:modify_scale


This power will only work if the Pehkui mod is installed.

Please don't use Apugli exclusively for this power type. Scale changes are perfectly viable by just using commands and the sort. More information on scale changing in Apoli can be found here.

Field Type Default Description
scale_type Identifier optional If set, this scale type will be modified.
scale_types Array of Identifiers optional If set, these scale types will be modified.
modifier Attribute Modifier optional If set, this modifier will apply to the scale value.
modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the scale value.
easing Identifier optional If set, the easing to apply to scale changes.
delay Float 0 If set, this delay will be applied to scale changes.
delay_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If set, this modifier will apply to delay value.
delay_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the delay value.
priority Integer 0 Determines the priority of which the power will apply its modification to the entity's scale.


  "type": "apugli:modify_scale",
  "delay": 40,
  "scale_types": [
  "modifiers": {
    "operation": "multiply_total_multiplicative",
    "value": 0.25
This power will increase the entity's pehkui:width, pehkui:height and pehkui:drops scale by 125%. Scale changes will interpolate from the scale value prior and will take 40 ticks to completely apply.