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Modify Durability Change

Power Type.

Modifies the value upon an item gaining/losing durability.

Type ID: apugli:modify_durability_change


Loss in durability is a positive value, whereas gain in durability value is negative, this is due to how the item's Damage value works.


Field Type Default Description
item_condition Item Condition optional If set, any item that has a change in durability must meet this condition for this power to come into effect.
comparison Comparison >= How the item's added damage value should be compared.
compare_to Float -2147483648 The value that the item's increase/decrease value must be compared to the comparison for this power to come into effect.
comparisons Comparison Map with Floats optional If set, values and comparisons that the item's added damage value must be compared to for this power to come into effect.
modifier Attribute Modifier optional If set, this modifier will apply to any time that an item meets the item condition's has a change in durability.
modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to any time that an item meets the item condition's has a change in durability.
function String "floor" Determines an operation to use for non-integer values. One of: "floor", "round", "ceiling".


    "type": "apugli:modify_durability_change",
    "comparisons": [
            "comparison": ">=",
            "compare_to": 1,
            "comparison": "<=",
            "compare_to": 100
    "modifier": {
        "operation": "set_total",
        "value": 2
This example will make all items lose 2 durability upon having any change in durability between 1 and 100 (inclusive).