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Edible Item

Power Type.

A power that makes any item that matches an item condition edible.

Type ID: apugli:edible_item


The actual food saturation level is determined by the food * saturation * 2 formula.


This power type will only work on players.


Field Type Default Description
item_condition Item Condition The item condition that items must satisfy to be affected by this power.
food_component Food Component The food component that the item grants upon eating it.
use_action String optional The action to associate with the player. One of eat or drink. Defaults to eat when null.
return_stack Item Stack optional The item stack to replace the item with upon consumption.
sound Identifier optional ID of the sound to play while eating an item affected by this power. If not set this will be the default eating/drinking sound.
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If set, these action(s) will be executed on the entity eating this item.
item_action Item Action Type optional If set, these action(s) will be executed on the item that the entity ate.


    "type": "apugli:edible_item",
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "item": "minecraft:axolotl_bucket"
    "food_component": {
        "hunger": 4,
        "saturation": 1,
        "meat": true
    "use_action": "eat",
    "return_stack": {
        "item": "minecraft:water_bucket",
        "amount": 1
This power allows for axolotl in buckets to be edible. Eating an axolotl in a bucket gives 4 hunger shanks and 8 saturation (4 * 1 * 2 ), it also counts as meat. This returns a water bucket upon consumption and uses the eat action.