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Custom Projectile

Power Type

Fires a projectile that is customisable by the fields of the power type.

Type ID: apugli:custom_projectile


Field Type Default Description
cooldown Integer 1 Interval of ticks this power needs to recharge before the power can be triggered again.
hud_render Hud Render optional Determines how the cooldown of this power is visualized on the HUD.
texture_location Identifier optional If specified, the texture used for the custom projectile.
texture_url String optional If specified, the url to a .png file imported into the game as a texture for this power's use. This will be used as a fallback if texture_location is not specified or if a texture is not present.
count Integer 1 The amount of projectiles to fire each use.
interval Integer 0 Determines the interval for firing multiple projectiles consecutively (in ticks). If set to 0, it will fire all the projectiles at the same tick.
start_delay Integer 0 Determines how long the start of the firing process is delayed (in ticks).
speed Float 1.5 The speed applied to the fired projectile.
divergence Float 1.0 How much each projectile fired is affected by random spread.
sound Identifier optional If set, the sound with this ID will be played when the power is used.
tag NBT optional NBT data of the entity.
entity_action_before_firing Entity Action Type optional If specified, the entity action to execute on the entity firing the projectile just prior to the projectile being created.
bientity_action_after_firing Bi-entity Action Type optional If specified, the bi-entity action to execute with the projectile owner the actor, and the projectile as the target as soon as the projectile is created.
block_action_on_hit Block Action Type optional If specified, the block action to execute on the block the projectile lands on upon having it land on it.
bientity_action_on_miss Entity Action Type optional If specified, the bi-entity action to execute with the projectile owner as the actor, and the projectile as the target upon missing.
bientity_action_on_hit Entity Action Type optional If specified, the bi-entity action to execute with the projectile as the actor, and the hit entity as the target upon hitting an entity.
owner_target_bientity_action_on_hit Entity Action Type optional If specified, the bi-entity action to execute with the projectile owner as the actor, and the hit entity as the target upon hitting an entity.
allow_conditional_cancelling Boolean false Determines if extra projectiles will no longer be fired as soon as the entity no longer meets this power's condition.
block_action_cancels_miss_action Boolean false Determines if the block_action_on_hit action will cancel the bientity_action_on_miss action.
block_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, the block condition that the block targeted by the block_action_on_hit field must meet in order for that to run.
bientity_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, the bi-entity condition with the projectile as the actor and the target as the target for the projectile to actually hit the target instead of pass through.
owner_bientity_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, the bi-entity condition with the projectile owner as the actor and the target as the target for the projectile to actually hit the target instead of pass through.
tick_bientity_action Bi-entity Action Type optional If specified, the bi-entity action with the projectile owner as the actor, and the projectile as the target that is run each tick of the projectile's lifespan.
key Key Which active key this power should respond to.


    "type": "apugli:custom_projectile",
    "texture_location": "minecraft:textures/item/brick.png",
    "bientity_action_on_miss": {
        "type": "apoli:target_action",
        "action": {
          "type": "apoli:and",
          "actions": [
                    "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                    "command": "playsound minecraft:block.stone.break player @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0.7"
                    "type": "apoli:spawn_particles",
                    "particle": {
                        "type": "minecraft:item",
                        "params": "minecraft:brick"
                    "count": 8,
                    "speed": 0.1,
                    "spread": {
                        "x": 2.0,
                        "y": 0.0,
                        "z": 2.0
    "owner_target_bientity_action_on_hit": {
        "type": "apoli:damage",
        "source": {
          "name": "brick.player"
        "amount": 8
    "key": {
        "key": "key.use"
    "divergence": 0.0,
    "speed": 0.8
This example power will let the power holder throw a custom projectile textured like a brick with the use key. this spawns particles and plays a sound upon missing, and damages entities upon being hit by the brick. The brick flies at a speed of 0.8 and is perfectly accurate with a divergence of 0.