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Allow Anvil Enchant

Power Type

Allows a PlayerEntity to enchant an item with specified enchants that may not have been accessible to an item before.

Type ID: apugli:allow_anvil_enchant


Field Type Default Description
enchantment Identifier optional If set, this will determine a new enchantment that can be put on an item that meets conditions.
enchantments Array of Identifiers optional If set, this will determine the new enchantments that can be put on an item that meets conditions.
compare_to Integer 0 The enchantment level of the item in the middle slot of the anvil to check for.
comparison Comparison ">=" The comparison applied the the enchantment level of the item in the middle. If this comparison isn't met, you are unable to enchant the item.
item_condition Item Condition The item condition that an item must meet to be able to be enchanted through this power.


    "type": "apugli:allow_anvil_enchant",
    "enchantments": [
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "item": "minecraft:netherite_hoe"
This power allows the three sword/axe damage enchants to be put on a netherite hoe.